Jumping into the source code for seqtables

We can use Pandas to analyze aligned sequences in a table. This can be useful for quickly generating AA or NT distribution by position and accessing specific positions of an aligned sequence

seq_tables.draw_seqlogo_barplots(seq_dist, alphabet=None, label_cutoff=0.09, use_properties=True, additional_text={}, show_consensus=True, scale_by_distance=False, title='', annotation_font_size=14, yaxistitle='', bargap=None, plotwidth=None, plotheight=500, num_y_ticks=3)[source]

Uses plotly to generate a sequence logo as a series of bar graphs. This method of sequence logo is taken from the following source:

Repository: https://github.com/ISA-tools/SequenceLogoVis

Paper: E. Maguire, P. Rocca-Serra, S.-A. Sansone, and M. Chen, Redesigning the sequence logo with glyph-based approaches to aid interpretation, In Proceedings of EuroVis 2014, Short Paper (2014)

  • seq_dist (Dataframe) –

    Rows should be unique letters, Columns should be a specific position within the sequence,

    Values should be the values that represent the frequency OR bits of a specific letter at a specific position

  • alphabet (string) – AA or NT
  • label_cutoff (int, default=0.09) – Defines a cutoff for when to stop adding ‘text’ labels to the plot (i.e. dont add labels for low freq letters)
  • use_properties (bool, default=True) – If True and if the alphabet is AA then it will color AA by their properties
  • additional_text (list of tuples) –

    For each tuple, element 0 is string/label, element 1 is string of letters at each position.

    i.e. additional_text = [(‘text’, ‘AACCA’), (‘MORE’, ‘ATTTT’)]. This is meant to add extra

    layers of information for the sequence. For example may you would like to include the WT sequence at the bottom

  • show_consensus (bool) – If True will show the consensus sequence at the bottom of the graph
  • scale_by_distance (bool) –

    If True, then each x-coordinate of the bar graph will be equal to the column position in the dataframe.

    For example if you are showing a motif in residues 10, 50, and 90 then the xcoordinates of the bars wil be 10, 50, 90 rather than 1,2,3

  • annotation_font_size (int) – size of text font
  • yaxistitle (string) – how to label the y axis
  • bargap (float, default=None) – bargap parameter for plots. If None, then lets plotly handle it
  • plotwidth (float, default=None) – defines the total width of the plot and individual bars
  • num_y_ticks (int) – How many ytick labels should appear in plot

fig – plot object for plotting in plotly

Return type:



>>> from seq_tables import draw_seqlogo_barplots
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> from plotly.offline import iplot, init_notebook_mode
>>> init_notebook_mode()
>>> distribution = pd.DataFrame({1: [0.9, 0.1, 0 ,0], 2: [0.5, 0.2, 0.1, 0.2], 3: [0, 0, 0, 1], 4: [0.25, 0.25, 0.25, 0.25]}, index=['A', 'C', 'T', 'G'])
>>> plotdata = draw_seqlogo_barplots(distribution)
>>> iplot(plotdata)
seq_tables.get_quality_dist(qual_df, bins=None, percentiles=[0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9], exclude_null_quality=True, sample=None)[source]

Returns the distribution of quality across the given sequence, similar to FASTQC quality seq report.

  • bins (list of ints or tuples, default=None) –

    bins defines how to group together the columns/sequence positions when aggregating the statistics.



    If bins is none, then by default, bins are set to the same ranges defined by fastqc report

  • percentiles (list of floats, default=[0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9]) – value passed into pandas describe() function.
  • exclude_null_quality (boolean, default=True) – do not include quality scores of 0 in the distribution
  • sample (int, default=None) – If defined, then we will only calculate the distribution on a random subsampled population of sequences

data – contains the distribution information at every bin (min value, max value, desired precentages and quartiles) graphs (plotly object): contains plotly graph objects for generating plots of the data afterwards

Return type:



Show the median of the quality at the first ten positions in the sequence

>>> table = SeqTable(['AAAAAAAAAA', 'AAAAAAAAAC', 'CCCCCCCCCC'], qualitydata=['6AA9-C9--6C', '6AA!1C9BA6C', '6AA!!C9!-6C'])
>>> box_data, graphs = table.get_quality_dist(bins=range(10), percentiles=[0.5])

Now repeat the example from above, except group together all values from the first 5 bases and the next 5 bases i.e. All qualities between positions 0-4 will be grouped together before performing median, and all qualities between 5-9 will be grouped together). Also, return the bottom 10 and upper 90 percentiles in the statsitics

>>> box_data, graphs = table.get_quality_dist(bins=[(0,4), (5,9)], percentiles=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9])

We can also plot the results as a series of boxplots using plotly >>> from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot, plot, iplot_mpl # assuming ipython.. >>> init_notebook_mode() >>> plotly.iplot(graphs) # using outside of ipython >>> plotly.plot(graphs)

seq_tables.read_fastq(input_file, limit=None, chunk_size=10000, use_header_as_index=True, use_pandas=True)[source]

Load a fastq file as class SeqTable

seq_tables.read_sam(input_file, limit=None, chunk_size=100000, cleave_softclip=False, use_header_as_index=True)[source]

Load a SAM file into class SeqTable

class seq_tables.seqtable(seqdata=None, qualitydata=None, start=1, index=None, seqtype='NT', phred_adjust=33, null_qual='!', **kwargs)[source]

Class for viewing aligned sequences within a list or dataframe. This will take a list of sequences and create views such that we can access each position within specific positions. It will also associate quality scores for each base if provided.

  • seqdata (Series, or list of strings) – List containing a set of sequences aligned to one another
  • qualitydata (Series or list of quality scores, default=None) – If defined, then user is passing in quality data along with the sequences)
  • start (int) – Explicitly define where the aligned sequences start with respect to some refernce frame (i.e. start > 2 means sequences start at position 2 not 1)
  • index (list of values defining the index, default=None) –
  • seqtype (string of 'AA' or 'NT', default='NT') – Defines the format of the data being passed into the dataframe
  • phred_adjust (integer, default=33) – If quality data is passed, then this will be used to adjust the quality score (i.e. Sanger vs older NGS quality scorning)

Dataframe – Each row in the dataframe is a sequence. It will always contain a ‘seqs’ column representing the sequences past in. Optionally it will also contain a ‘quals’ column representing quality scores


Dataframe – Dataframe representing sequences as characters in a table. Each row in the dataframe is a sequence. Each column represents the position of a base/residue within the sequence. The 4th position of sequence 2 is found as seq_table.ix[1, 4]


Dataframe, optional – Dataframe representing the quality score for each character in seq_table


>>> sq = seq_tables.seqtable(['AAA', 'ACT', 'ACA'])
>>> sq.hamming_distance('AAA')
>>> sq = read_fastq('fastqfile.fq')
adjust_ref_seq(ref, table_columns, ref_start, return_as_np=True)[source]

Aligns a reference sequence such that its position matches positions within the seqtable of interest

  • ref (str) – Represents the reference sequence
  • table_columns (list or series) – Defines the column positions or column names
  • ref_start (int) – Defines where the reference starts relative to the sequence
compare_to_reference(reference_seq, positions=None, ref_start=0, flip=False, set_diff=False, ignore_characters=[], return_num_bases=False)[source]

Calculate which positions within a reference are not equal in all sequences in dataframe

  • reference_seq (string) – A string that you want to align sequences to
  • positions (list, default=None) – specific positions in both the reference_seq and sequences you want to compare
  • ref_start (int, default=0) – where does the reference sequence start with respect to the aligned sequences
  • flip (bool) – If True, then find bases that ARE MISMATCHES(NOT equal) to the reference
  • set_diff (bool) – If True, then we want to analyze positions that ARE NOT listed in positions parameters
  • ignore_characters (char or list of chars) – When performing distance/finding mismatches, always treat these characters as matches
  • return_num_bases (bool) –

    If true, returns a second argument defining the number of relevant bases present in each row

    ..important:: Change in output results

    Setting return_num_bases to true will change how results are returned (two elements rather than one are returned)

Dataframe of boolean variables showing whether base is equal to reference at each position

convert_low_bases_to_null(q, replace_with='N', inplace=False)[source]

This will convert all letters whose corresponding quality is below a cutoff to the value replace_with

  • q (int) – quality score cutoff, convert all bases whose quality is < than q
  • inplace (boolean) – If False, returns a copy of the object filtered by quality score
  • replace_with (char) – a character to replace low bases with
get_consensus(positions=None, modecutoff=0.5)[source]

Returns the sequence consensus of the bases at the defined positions

  • positions – Slice which positions in the table should be conidered
  • modecutoff – Only report the consensus base of letters which appear more than the provided modecutoff (in other words, the mode must be greater than this frequency)
get_quality_dist(bins=None, percentiles=[0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9], exclude_null_quality=True, sample=None)[source]

Returns the distribution of quality across the given sequence, similar to FASTQC quality seq report.

  • bins (list of ints or tuples, default=None) –

    bins defines how to group together the columns/sequence positions when aggregating the statistics.



    If bins is none, then by default, bins are set to the same ranges defined by fastqc report

  • percentiles (list of floats, default=[0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 0.75, 0.9]) – value passed into pandas describe() function.
  • exclude_null_quality (boolean, default=True) – do not include quality scores of 0 in the distribution
  • sample (int, default=None) – If defined, then we will only calculate the distribution on a random subsampled population of sequences

data – contains the distribution information at every bin (min value, max value, desired precentages and quartiles) graphs (plotly object): contains plotly graph objects for generating plots of the data afterwards

Return type:



Show the median of the quality at the first ten positions in the sequence

>>> table = SeqTable(['AAAAAAAAAA', 'AAAAAAAAAC', 'CCCCCCCCCC'], qualitydata=['6AA9-C9--6C', '6AA!1C9BA6C', '6AA!!C9!-6C'])
>>> box_data, graphs = table.get_quality_dist(bins=range(10), percentiles=[0.5])

Now repeat the example from above, except group together all values from the first 5 bases and the next 5 bases i.e. All qualities between positions 0-4 will be grouped together before performing median, and all qualities between 5-9 will be grouped together). Also, return the bottom 10 and upper 90 percentiles in the statsitics

>>> box_data, graphs = table.get_quality_dist(bins=[(0,4), (5,9)], percentiles=[0.1, 0.5, 0.9])

We can also plot the results as a series of boxplots using plotly >>> from plotly.offline import init_notebook_mode, iplot, plot, iplot_mpl # assuming ipython.. >>> init_notebook_mode() >>> plotly.iplot(graphs) # using outside of ipython >>> plotly.plot(graphs)

get_seq_dist(positions=None, method='counts', ignore_characters=[])[source]

Returns the distribution of bases or amino acids at each position.

hamming_distance(reference_seq, positions=None, ref_start=0, set_diff=False, ignore_characters=[], normalized=False)[source]

Determine hamming distance of all sequences in dataframe to a reference sequence.

  • reference_seq (string) – A string that you want to align sequences to
  • positions (list, default=None) – specific positions in both the reference_seq and sequences you want to compare
  • ref_start (int, default=0) – where does the reference sequence start with respect to the aligned sequences
  • set_diff (bool) – If True, then we want to analyze positions that ARE NOT listed in positions parameters
  • normalized (bool) – If True, then divides hamming distance by the number of relevant bases
mutation_TS_TV_profile(reference_seq, positions=None, ref_start=0, set_diff=False, ignore_characters=[])[source]

Return the ratio of transition rates (A->G, C->T) to transversion rates (A->T/C) observed between the reference sequence and sequences in table.

  • reference_seq (string) – A string that you want to align sequences to
  • positions (list, default=None) – specific positions in both the reference_seq and sequences you want to compare
  • ref_start (int, default=0) – where does the reference sequence start with respect to the aligned sequences
  • set_diff (bool) – If True, then we want to analyze positions that ARE NOT listed in positions parameters

ratio – TS Freq / TV Freq TS (float): TS Freq TV (float): TV Freq

Return type:


mutation_profile(reference_seq, positions=None, ref_start=0, set_diff=False, ignore_characters=[], normalized=False)[source]

Return the type of mutation rates observed between the reference sequence and sequences in table.

  • reference_seq (string) – A string that you want to align sequences to
  • positions (list, default=None) – specific positions in both the reference_seq and sequences you want to compare
  • ref_start (int, default=0) – where does the reference sequence start with respect to the aligned sequences
  • set_diff (bool) – If True, then we want to analyze positions that ARE NOT listed in positions parameters
  • normalized (bool) – If True, then frequency of each mutation

profile – Returns the counts (or frequency) for each mutation observed (i.e. A->C or A->T)

Return type:


mutation_profile_deprecated(reference_seq, positions=None, ref_start=0, set_diff=False, ignore_characters=[], normalized=False)[source]

Return the type of mutation rates observed between the reference sequence and sequences in table.

  • reference_seq (string) – A string that you want to align sequences to
  • positions (list, default=None) – specific positions in both the reference_seq and sequences you want to compare
  • ref_start (int, default=0) – where does the reference sequence start with respect to the aligned sequences
  • set_diff (bool) – If True, then we want to analyze positions that ARE NOT listed in positions parameters
  • normalized (bool) – If True, then frequency of each mutation

profile – Returns the counts (or frequency) for each mutation observed (i.e. A->C or A->T) transversions (float): Returns frequency of transversion mutation transition (float): Returns frequency of transition mutation


Transversion and transitions only apply to situations when the seqtype is a NT

Return type:



This function has been deprecated because we found a better speed-optimized method

qual_to_table(qualphred, phred_adjust=33, return_table=False)[source]

Given a set of quality score strings, updates the return a new dataframe such that each column represents the quality at each position as a number

  • qualphred – (Series or list of quality scores, default=None): If defined, then user is passing in quality data along with the sequences)
  • phred_adjust (integer, default=33) – If quality data is passed, then this will be used to adjust the quality score (i.e. Sanger vs older NGS quality scorning)
  • return_table (boolean, default=False) – If True, then the attribute self.qual_table is returned

self.qual_table – each row corresponds to a specific sequence and each column corresponds to

Return type:


quality_filter(q, p, inplace=False, ignore_null_qual=True)[source]

Filter out sequences based on their average qualities at each base/position

  • q (int) – quality score cutoff
  • p (int/float/percent 0-100) – the percent of bases that must have a quality >= the cutoff q
  • inplace (boolean) – If False, returns a copy of the object filtered by quality score
  • ignore_null_qual (boolean) – Ignore bases that are not represented. (i.e. those with quality of 0)

Return a random sample of sequences as a new object

Parameters:numseqs (int) – How many sequences to sample
Returns:SeqTable Object

Return the sequence list


Make seq_df attribute in sync with seq_table and qual_table Sometimes it might be useful to make changes to the seq_table attribute. For example, may you have your own custom code where you change the values of seq_table to be ‘.’ or something random. Well you want to make sure that seq_df updates accordingly because the full length strings are the most useful in the end